Read the whole adventure in html form above (just click run game) or download the pdf or epub below!

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Hunningbury is a fiefdom. Small and unimportant. It's owned by a single lord, Helvius. A self-styled king, rich and peerless within his realm. His keep stands on Golden Hill and overlooks the town and fields, all of which belong to him. Below, his subjects are allowed to toil on his land by his grace, and while the products of their labours are rightfully his, they are granted a portion for themselves.  

Riches alone cannot stop Helvius from growing old and his remaining days are few. He will bequeath his land, his titles, his name to he who comes next. The coronation is approaching. Helvius will die. Long live Helvius.  

You are newcomers to Hunningbury. You are here to stop the coronation.  

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The Sundrenched King is a MÖRK BORG compatible adventure that includes:

  • Honey
  • Sunshine
  • New creatures to attempt to defeat
  • Some of them are bees, but not all
  • Feudal politics
  • New scrolls
  • Anti-monarchist sentiments

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Made for the Random #AdventureJam using Loot the Room's random title generator.

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Playlist: (it's not very doom metal, as neither am I. Apologies!)

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The Sundrenched King is an independent production by Flindermouse Press and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

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Flindermouse Press Logo

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The Sundrenched King - PDF 19 MB
The Sundrenched King - EPUB 3.8 MB

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