A downloadable game

The time to flee human encroachment has long since passed. The fields and forests have been gone for generations. Even the grandparents of our grandparents had only the tales of their elders to trust that these lands have even been any different, have ever been more than grey.  

We live within the humans' tumultuous, ever-bright world now, and we survive together or not at all.  


A post-post-apocalypse game of community and survival for one GM and two or more players. You play as a group of animals, born and raised in the city, the apocalypse of the countryside has been and gone. Deal with factions, hide from humans, grow your community; keep yourselves fed.  


Made as part of The Indie Games Co-Operative's (@indiegames_coop) Jam Jam!


TheUrbanWilds.epub 2.7 MB

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